Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Jasmen Vivar
oil on paper
18"x 24"


  1. The shadow in the background gives his figurative more definition without having to add to the figure itself.

  2. I love how there is a definite style to this piece. I appreciate the blocking of colors which shows the dynamic and sometimes drastic changes in color in the flesh. I also like your shadow and the shadow from underneath the bench really grounds the figure somewhere believable in space.

  3. I really love the depth of blue set in this piece on the blanket, set next to the green, and the body figure. Great use of shadow to ground the figure. Only thing I'm a bit confused on is the left top area with the shadow.

  4. fabric looks great. Body proportion could have been reevaluated to make for a stronger piece. color in the skin tones is also good but maybe a little less white.

  5. I think that proportions are weak in this figure. Particularly the torso (feels too tubular) and his left knee (the one that the foot is on the ground - It feels too narrow) I think that adjusting these would really help the form of the figure to stand out and it would help me believe that it is a figure.
    I think the strongest aspect of this painting is the textures. Both in the background and the figure. They are very well matched and complement each other in a way that they enhance each other without overpowering each other.

  6. My favorite part of your painting is the speckled stool. It has a lot of personality. Your shadows look great and despite your proportions being a bit off, the painting itself is well done. You can decifer light and dark you just need to work on proportions.

  7. I really enjoy the strong value contrast on his body. You have strong darks and lights which work to model the figure nicely. I like the orange spots on his raised leg and wish there was some more of that on other parts of the body. The resting leg's knee feels narrow and pinched then the leg gets big again, making the knee just a bit bigger I think would help the proportions there.

  8. I know we covered this in class, but since you had some problems with the under-drawing it came through with proportions on the final painting. You were successful in realistic values and you have some very wonderful moments that do make some sections of your painting work really well; The left leg and right arm.

  9. I love the reddish brown on his upper chest and the peachy color on the edge of his neck. I think those colors combined with the opaque lit areas help give the figure volume. The left thigh is beautifully done, and your figure is well grounded, love how you added the cord at the bottom. I think that the edge of the wall and the cord helped ground your figure, which is very important. The only thing I can think to change would be the shading on the edge of the green pillow, next to the well painted figure and blue cloth the pillow's edge it a little flat. Over all I love this painting and the layers of colors you used.

  10. I really enjoy looking at your painting. Your style is awesome! You added some unique details that no one else really did and I like that. I like that your colors are more muted and not so intense. The shade of blue you used compliments the skin tones very well. The chest, right arm and left leg are my favorite parts of your painting, the colors you chose and the blending is great!

  11. I remember saying it in class, and i'll say it again: the flesh tones in this piece are so believable, that they look like real skin that was peeled of a human and glued to the page. They're so believable that they reconcile themselves with the blue fabric. The fabric is almost in a different plane of existence, but it works because the flesh tones are so good and the light/shadow/reflectivity are so accurate. I agree that your proportions could have been worked on a little more; that really would have brought a sense of reality to the figure. But i think overall you did a great job of finishing this painting.

  12. the stool and torso are incredible. the torso has incredibly believable shades and the hint of yellow for the brighter portions shows very well and adds a lot to the painting. the rest of the body looks a bit underdone compared to the torso but the torso is so good it almost doesnt matter

  13. The colors you chose to use on both the figure and the background are gorgeous. I feel that there is a slight disconnect between his head and his body in terms of rendering to the same level, but perhaps you were rushed to finish. I really love your blanket and the shadows on the wall, they really tie the painting together perfectly.
