Sunday, November 17, 2013

Homework: Art Questions.

* I guess in a more definition approach I guess I would say that art is the use or application of imagination, creativity, and skill to create a  visual form (although it doesn't just have to be visual) which results in a combination of meaning, content, emotional response or is aesthetically interesting. But it's hard to draw the line between what is and isn't art, and based off of that definition pretty much anything can now be considered art, which may or may not be a bad thing. I may not see a backpack as art because for me it was not made with the intention of conveying a meaning, response, or aesthetics, but someone else may see it as art. Neither person is right or wrong in this case but I guess it comes down to the individual.
* I think the title of artist can sometimes become weird, there have been several times when I've told people that I'm majoring in art studio and they respond with, " Oh so are you an artist or an Artist?" Seeming to imply that one is better than the other. Because of this I sometimes think people see an artist (not Artist) as some hobbyist crafter who isn't truly passionate about art. Whereas an Artist is person showing exclusively in galleries, going to art events and living (perhaps cliche) art life. I don't think that is necessarily fair to separate the two, in both cases they are passionate and make art.
* We make art as a way to express ourselves in a way that other forms and material can't accomplish. We paint, draw, act, etc in a way that allows us to express an emotion, desire, passion, or dream that we want to share and experience with others.
* I assess art based off if it gets a response out of me, particularly if I find an interesting narative or story to the image, whether or not I like the image. I always find myself being drawn more to the images that hold a story for me, with interesting or pleasing aethics to enhance that experince. If I'm bored with it or get the point right away then it holds no interest, but if I want to keep coming back to it then there is obliviously something there for me to experience and engage with. If I can no longer engage with it, it is hard for me to enjoy it as art.

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