Wednesday, November 13, 2013

(Phil Hansen)
tempera fist marks on un-stretched canvas

tempera footprints on unstretched canvas

Jasmen Vivar


  1. The process that you chose for this piece is absolutely admirable. Without knowing how this piece is made i feel it is less strong. Within these both coming from the same studio i feel that it is definitely readable that this occurred. I also like the monochrome rendering.

  2. The amount of dedication you put into these pieces makes them stronger for me. You can tell they came out of the same studio. I like the idea of painting with this energy and it makes me almost want to see more expression and less neatness in these paintings, though I do enjoy the craftsmanship. Still I think that if the approach was more obvious with hand maybe foot marks it would have possibly had more or a kinetic feel. I love your out of the box ideas!

  3. The time and effort you put into this is great, I'm not sure I would have had the patience to keep it up. It is very creative and I think it's great that you decided to use your feet (or perhaps dance) for the study, it makes it that much better. I agree with Cheyne that not knowing the process for these paintings takes away from it a bit, the process is very important to these pieces. Overall they feel like they came from the same artist/series.

  4. I wish your master study (of the dancer) incorporated an image of legs or feet if you used kicking/footprints to create the marks. Just a thought.

  5. Your paintings are so interesting to me. I can tell that you really admire the artist you chose. These are amazing...the techniques you used for each are awesome however, I agree with Cornelia. Since your master study is an image of a dancer, and since you painted it with your feet, the image should have incorporated the legs and feet as well.

  6. I'm amazed at how well you captured many of the angles in these figures while having to chop and kick your image on to the canvas. This is awesome and crazy inventive. These paintings look like they came from the same studio. I love how the dancer's right hand came out, these are great paintings.

  7. I love the concept of having to use your hand and feet to render these pieces. It seems like it'd take a lot of time and patience but be a fun task at hand. I can see these working well together as a series but as Cornelia and Amanda have stated I'd love to see the feet be seen in the study or just feet marks around the piece. I really love these piece, such great work.

  8. This is a really fun series. Your master study definetly looks like it came from the same artist. The only problem I have with your master study is that the face seems to be a bit distorted. The nostril slits make your figure have an apelike face. Maybe add some definition to the nose?

  9. I can see these being from the same artist and series. I think you really worked hard to use the same method for your pieces as the original. I also love how you chose to change it to feet for the dancer. Excellent conceptual choice. I think that compositionally these are solid. I think that the point about including feet/legs is valid, mainly because you used your feet to paint it. Regardless I think you did a great job painting with your feet, so well done!

  10. These images seem to come from the same artist. I am glad you chose to use the same application of paint as your artist. The only thing I can suggest is to maybe add more definition to the faces. Over all it's a really fun piece to look at.
