Thursday, December 5, 2013

melted crayon on board

melted crayon and tempera on board

Aarya Engineer


  1. I thought your willingness to use such an obscure medium for something so important was admirable. think both were executed well and brought across the message of a figure well. the color layering was unique and appealing to the eye more time would have benefitted you and better supply of fire but you did awesome good stuff.

  2. I really love the way the top 'painting' is coming out. I think using the crayons was risky becuase they took so long to melt and because your board was so big. When I look at your two images, my eyes conintously wander to the top one. The colors you used are so nice, I wish you could have just focused on that one. So far so good!

  3. I really enjoyed you putting this piece together, and much like other pieces of yours, you tend to love to experiment, which I greatly admire. Your piece speaks to me in a way that seems ancient, yet so currently throbbing with life (if that makes any sense at all). It reminds me of people of Pompeii, their lives so rich with memories and experiences, yet the world around them is shattering before their eyes. To me the narrative is such a beautiful tragic story.

  4. I absolutely love the fact that you decided to melt crayons to display the models. It seems to be such a hard task but, I'm blown away by how well you executed it. The color layering and how they blend together is so well done. Only thing I would've liked to see is maybe melted crayon in the bottom figures hair, but I know we were on such a time crunch. Really great job.

  5. I think the top painting is much more successful than the bottom one. While the board is less covered it reads much better all around. The negative space and the deconstruction of the figures really makes it come together nicely.
    I think the bottom painting did not really achieve the same sense of color blending, and I think the use of tempera really hurt the use of crayons. I think you should continue working with crayons, especially the way you moved colors around after melting them onto the board.

  6. the process of melting wax is very tedious. I did not have the chance to dive in as far as you but i saw what you went through and it showed your perseverance. The top piece is very strong especially on the natural wood background. The second piece i know you did not have the amount of time you wanted to spend on it....but for what you did i feel that it is a success within the time limit we were given.

  7. You said you were trying to decide on how to finish the top piece, and I have an idea. Have you ever heard of the watercolor speed painter, Agnes Cecile? She has a dramatic way of using colors to fade faces out instead of making them whole. Here is the website to a video that reminds me of your top crayon painting.
    I think it wold be cool if you did something similar, but instead of filling the entire sheet of wood with paint, you could let the wood show and finish the piece with some of that shinny stuff you mentioned (and maybe stain the wood a darker color, but I'm not sure just getting crazy with my ideas now). You might be able to do the same with the second piece, just cover up the hair with more colors. I love the first painting!!! I would totally buy it when its done!

  8. When I saw that you would be painting this way, I was really interested to see where it would go. I'm glad you did two different paintings and experimented with different techniques, I have to say that I really enjoy the first painting with two figures and I like the use of the bare wood background, although I don't know if that was intentional. Overall they are both well done. The drip technique seems like it would be an absolute pain, but I'm sure if you had more time to work on it and flesh it out, it could really work. I don't know if you planned to go back and fill in the eyes but the eyeless faces are the only things that bother me a bit. Makes it feel much more incomplete for some reason.

  9. I admire your patience in creating a final project using crayons and fire. First off I have to say that it's pretty awesome that your style has been consistent through out the entirety of the class. If I had not known that you had made these pieces, I still would have been able to guess the artist. I think your art resonates with people so well because the core of your art is energy and vibrancy. You take a lot of risks in color and your technique has a dabbed looked. With that being said it's funny that you chose a medium that can be melted together because in general the way you paint, it looks as if your colors were melted together. You have a lot of talent and your work is always fun to look at.

  10. I am really impressed that you stuck to the new art form that you demonstrated. The melted wax crayons make a different texture, and almost a pointillist feel to your project. I really enjoy the image you created with puck and jenny, especially the composition. I feel the second piece with Anastasia is a little weak because of the fact that it was unfinished. Maybe if you had let it be unfinished and more melted like the first one, it would look more interesting. I really enjoy these pieces!

  11. Your composition in Frame remains strong; one of your better qualities throughout the semester as well as your use of color. The figures I in the top have more realistic proportions, yet it doesn't detract from the quality in the bottom piece with painted background. This medium is a good direction for your work to go in, please continue

  12. this project looks really good and i love how they look like sketches but with melted crayon. the huge array of colors does not detract the values you created in the figures. well done!
