Thursday, December 5, 2013

watercolor and ink on paper with twine

 Detail 1

Detail 2

Detail 3

Detail 4

Detail 5

Diego Villegas


“The only constant in life is change” -Heraclitus

Elementum is an attempt to comment on human connection and change. In this piece, I convey people as creatures of change, connected and disconnected. I use symbolism and color to create the space needed to suggest this strange paradox of attached and separate.

I begin this piece by thinking about what is important to me –what I need to express about my life at the given moment. I thought about my relationships with people, the ebb and flow of intimacy with family, friends, lovers, etc. The passage of time became the pivotal factor in my choice in concept. My relationships with the people around me change constantly with time; I have no solid counterparts, because we are all fluctuating within ourselves.

The painting consists of five figures distributed among five major frames and three minor ones. The assembled frames make up the shape of a cocoon, symbolizing the constant metamorphosis that embodies the entire piece. The winged figure to the far left symbolizes someone in the act of escaping. A type of change that feels that it cannot be in one place for too long. This type of change is one that feels change is essential. Like the air, she may be fleeting, and impossible to catch. She flies backward -making sure her exit is unnoticed. The second figure is seated with the mountains. He is the figure that believes he is not changing, but the landscape slowly changes around him. As he sits, his perception changes. He watches the world transform, and in this sense, he is slowing becoming the observer, the wallflower, the Wiseman. Like stone, he doesn’t move, but the elements shape him, smoothing and roughening him; he is changed by his surroundings. The third figure stands in a very dynamic pose. In yoga –this pose is called Standing Bow. It is a pose that can only be held for a limited amount of time. His muscles begin to tire and his balance begins to waver. He is a highly energized form of change. He is a sudden burst –a sprint, if you will, that is very focused, and very strong. But if nothing can replenish him, he loses focus and energy. Like a fire, he has the potential to be very
fickle, but is filled with passion and life. His flames feed on fuel, and must be fed in order to maintain spirit. The fourth figure at the bottom right of the series represents a gradual but durable type of change. This type of change is a sort of development or slow evolution. Like plants, this type of change is slow to grow, taking in energy from the sun, from fertile soil, and from water. It is a change that is weak at first, not knowing if his purpose will remain the consistent, but as he matures, he becomes confident of his purpose, and moves toward it with more confidence than before. In some ways, the purpose of this type of change is to always be growing into something stronger. The fifth and final figure to the top right of the series represents an intangible change. She is misunderstood, and very different from the rest. Looking in the opposite direction of the other figures, she seems to overlook them. In a way she is above them, but is underwater, which is logically impossible in comparison with the rest of the frame. Like water, she has no fixed shape of form. She can be as wild and terrifying as the sea while being as still and as calm as an untouched lake. She is like air in the sense that she is not easily grasped, but still able to be held. She cannot be put in a cage, but yet she can still sit in the palm of your hand. She gives life, but can also take your breath away. This is the type

of change that we cannot fully understand due to the infinite paradoxes that make her so unique. 


  1. Your painting(s) is so good! I like the super crazy deep concepts that inspired your work. I like that everything you drew has a meaning behind it. The shape is unusual and the colors are beautiful. BUT I kind of wish the figure on the far right didn't break the frame. Thats the only figure that does that, so for me, it makes things a little unbalanced.

  2. Definitely one of my favorite finals in the class. I really love the concept behind it and how much thought you put into it as each piece has a great detailed story behind it. The bright vibrant colors are really quite beautiful as it draws the eye in along with how you display it. The eye is definitely led from the bottom left to the top right in my opinion in which that's how you intended it to be read. Only thing I'm curious about is how the figures would look with a little color to it. Your work is really inspiring.

  3. The flow of change that you presented has really made this piece into quite the conceptual artwork. The twine was a touch for me that made this piece much stronger. I know you were trying to show a larger figure within the flow of figures and that was a bit hard to read for me. If you found a way to incorporate that idea so that it is easier to read than i think this piece would be much stronger.

  4. I love your concept. Like life its complicated. This painting reminds me of what people go through growing up, its like stages and some are short, some are repeated, and some never end. I love the lack of color in the figures, I think that since your backgrounds are so colorful, adding color to your figure would create too busy of a canvas. Beautiful work as usual!! :)

  5. Unfortunately I never got a chance to read your statement and it's not popping up here, but I'm glad you gave a quick overview of it to the class. Your statement and meaning is really an essential part of your images, and I really liked your concept. I really love the way you draw your figures and out of the five I think my favorite is the tree and the two women. It was mentioned in class but it is a bit hard for you to come back around in the image, you get to the water and then it suddenly stops. Creating a few more images to make it more of a complete circle would be great to see. This came out really well and I like the composition of odd shaped frames.

  6. I think you made a great choice in painting the background but not the figures. It works very well and adds to the idea that these people could be anybody, but their type of change is specific. I think the composition is overall very good. I still don't like the angle that the water figure is looking at. It cuts off the flow of this piece too much, and in a piece that is all about flow this seems very out of place. I think your placement of each figure in the set - Air. Earth. Fire. Plant(?). Water. was really good. It breaks them up so that nothing is too similar. I am not sure how I feel about the plant frame. It seems out of place in a piece called Elementum. I think that your insights into change are great, but that doesn't really seem to fit in with the others. I think that the cocoon fits conceptually, but I don't get the reference visually. I really like the shape, but when I look at it, it's just a pretty shape.
    Overall - I love this piece and I think it was a great final project. Well done and good choices!

  7. You ability to come up with fantastic ideas and carry them out so well will forever make me jealous. This piece is so conceptual on so many different levels, many of which are readily apparent on dry viewing, and many more which are cohesive and make sense after reading (or hearing) your artist statement. As always, the technical aspects of this piece compliment the conceptual. I have a bit of issue with the grounding of the "fire" figure. I understand the figures are sort of spectral and dont have or cast shadows, but i think maybe pulling a bit of the ground/earth over his leg would help ground him a little more. Otherwise, fantastic job!

  8. Diego this is so gorgeous! Your project turned out completely different from what I thought. I love how it turned out and how it has such a beautiful story! Conceptually you translated the idea of movement and change in an easily readable way. I think each piece flows nicely and overall the piece is cohesive. Personally I would have liked the piece to be a circle or some sort of shape that indicates a cycle but a cocoon does make sense conceptually. You put a lot of thought into this project and it shows.

  9. I'm so happy that this turned out so well! I remember talking to you about this project where you weren't sure where you were going, and with a little nudging it went perfectly! The narrative of this piece reads so wonderfully and everything is so delicate. Each piece by itself reads greatly, and it works as a whole as well. The colors you chose are fantastic, and I think gouache was a great medium for this project. I hope to see you in another painting class.

  10. Diego as always with your figures you complete them very well, showing a great attention to detail as befits your style. It is your figures that are really what make this piece worth paying for, even though you really worked hard at creating an interesting composition and frame. The bold black lines that you use in your figures outshines your colorwork, again even though you put a great deal of work into the color.

  11. Beautiful moving piece that immediately drew me in. I love how you interpreted the figures and made them into such a strong connection. I love how you played with the idea of change. I belI've that the only thing constant in this world is change and you captured it in so many aspects. It would maybe be nice to see with frames though I think they'd be challenging to find for the shapes. All together awesome

  12. Beautiful moving piece that immediately drew me in. I love how you interpreted the figures and made them into such a strong connection. I love how you played with the idea of change. I belI've that the only thing constant in this world is change and you captured it in so many aspects. It would maybe be nice to see with frames though I think they'd be challenging to find for the shapes. All together awesome

  13. overall one of my personal favorites because of proportional accuracy and strong concept. color choices were nice and idea of only painting background made for an interesting presentation. the narrative was also really well explained and good stuff.

  14. your lines are really well done! i love the figures and the transition from figure to figure is very easy on the eyes bravo!
