Thursday, December 5, 2013

gouache and watercolor on paper

Detail 1

Detail 2

Amanda Griegos

Color Study 2.5" x3.5” 

For this assignment, I really wanted to experiment with a miniature canvas. Everything we have done in class has been on a much larger scale than this, so I decided to go for tiny paintings.

I really enjoyed gouache and used that and watercolor in my paintings. Each painting is done on a watercolor paper “artist trading card.” In this class I tried hard to do things that are normally out of my realm. I wanted to focus on complimentary color, but wanted the contrast to be more so subtle so that the paintings would be more pleasing to look at. I’ve toned down some of the colors so they will not stand out so much and solely dominate the painting. The figures are painted in the primary colors; since those colors are the foundations of all colors I wanted those to be the colors of the figures, which are the main components of these paintings.

The paintings are arranged in such a way so the viewer can compare the figure series along with the color studies. The figure series run vertically, and the color studies are horizontal. I wanted to arrange the paintings this way so that the viewer could more easily compare and contrast the individual images. 


  1. I liked this set, I think the idea especially the scale was interesting. I think the attention to detail was really nice and overall smooth transitions. I think crossing over the complimentary colors would have been neat and a stronger red in the green composition would be good but really nice overall.

  2. I really love your choice of using primary colors. The fact that you tone out the figure in the middle one is really quite clever as it leads the eye to allow each model to have their own spotlight. The value shifts from light to dark seem to be right on point. I agree with Zach as a deeper red would really make the figure pop more as it does for the others. Really great job on attention to detail and I really like the setup you decided to go with as well.

  3. The main question I have is why you made one of the figures a secondary color which makes her part of the background? Your choice of display is very nice. It looks very finished and fitting for the size of your works.

  4. I really enjoy the concept of artist trading cards. I had a project in high school much like this, where we made a sort of series, and then had a chance to trade with the entire class. Its a great project because you think in terms of a series, and it is great practice for developing a future body of work that holds together in one common theme. I wish there were more though. perhaps another three rows where the figures are the secondary colors and the background is the contrasting primary.

  5. The shading proportion and overall composition of each individual piece is very well rendered. I think if you would of separated the rows and mixed the cards up within the box it would of made this piece stronger. The card box looks very professional and i feel you could sell artworks like this.

  6. I'm still blown away by this! I can't believe you made all of these paintings with one brush! I think it's great that you're past the point of striving for perfection, and allowing your creative side to take over. You naturally seem to be able to create a lifelike figure, and it seems like once you trust that that will happen you can trust your create sight for color to make timeless art.

  7. I really love the way you displayed these, it worked out great. Your images are nice figure studies. Although I do like the way you used the complementary colors I think the images would have been more effective if each figure incorporated both colors instead of just one. Blue for the shadows and orange for the highlights. But still I think the way you did it works well and is fun to look at. I think it was mentioned in class that these sort of give the sense of Warhol. Making a weird color wheel out of these might also be a fun idea. Anyways great job.

  8. I think this was a very successful project for you. You were able to make really beautiful mini portraits that went together seamlessly in a cohesive way. The technique is delicate and abstract in color choice. I love the purple and yellow combination. I would love to see you expand upon this project with even more colors.

  9. I remember talking to you as you worked on these, and i love the final arrangement of the miniatures. The progression from left to right creates narrative, with each miniature acting as a sort of comic panel. The progression from top to bottom creates artistic narrative, with a very pleasant and logical color transition. The baseball card display effectively enhances the colors in the miniatures. You had an incredibly unique and interesting idea, and with everything from the exactness of each composition to the final arrangement and presentation you executed your idea well

  10. I can see your improvement throughout the entire painting class, and I think these images are the best you've created out of the class. The proportioning is very well done, and the use of complementary colors works wonderfully. Your piece as a whole has a great narrative that can be read in any direction, which is a very interesting choice. The mounting plaque you chose works well with the images as it allows for the lighter colors to really pop. I do wish that the screws were not exposed however. Perhaps you could paint over them with black acrylic or something to not make them so distracting. Overall, I really enjoy this piece, good job!

  11. This series is your best work all semester. Working on a small scale worked out for you in this case with your better proportions, better shading, and composition. Your use of complimentary colors was commendable (and I know we talked about it at school during the critique) but the use of colors could have been pushed a little farther be it through their implementation on the existing nine paintings or by having more of them. That being said however, your presentation was well done and clean.

  12. You have been leading up all semester for this and I feel like it is one of my favorites. I think the small scale alone makes me appreciate the craftsman ship not to mention the repition that probably drove you crazy. You definitely made an interesting set of card and I like that you broke them into complinentary colors to break them down. It plays with the ideas of deconstruction and I think you made this all work. Your display was also perfect and I envy how portable it was. It was nice getting to know you this semester and I hope to see you next semester!

  13. sketch cards rule! i really liked the use of the baseball card display. it made the piece look like it could fit in stranger factory or something along those lines
