Digital Painting
Digital Painting
Digital Painting
Jasmen Vivar
Final Project Artist Statement
I am an artist that enjoys a multitude of media. I am easily a jack of all trades (master of none)
when it comes to pursuing my personal art career. With that in mind, this semester I aimed to push myself using new ideas, methods, or tools that I wouldn’t have thought to use before. My final project
went through two different phases. Initially, it was going to become a piece that flirted with the idea of a
self destructing canvas. I wanted to paint our three figures on a bowl of fruit, which would decompose as I paint and become a horrific and gruesome figure painting. I hoped, by using this specific canvas, to
create a piece that would challenge the idea of traditionally beautiful figure paintings and studies of bowls
of fruit.
That didn’t happen. Instead, I created two digital pieces with Photoshop CS6 and a wacom
bamboo tablet. Digital painting is not a medium I am new to, but I have always struggled with using it for
life drawing. My final project, in its final form, turned into simple medium studies. I became so wrapped
up in little details that I could zoom in on—details that would be lost had I made a small traditional
painting. I was able to learn more about how to digitally paint from life, which is very different from
traditional painting from life.