Wednesday, November 20, 2013

wtf IS art?

What is Art?
I hate this question. I'm not sure I can define it; who can? Why does it need a definition? Why does there always need to be a reason? I suppose art is a type of language. It helps one speak in ways that's words can't do. It's visual expression I guess. Personally, I feel like art isn't a blue canvas with a yellow dot in the middle...why? Because that's not creative to me. Creativity and imagination should come from deep within, it should take some effort.
What is an artist?
It's me. You. Us. We. Everyone can be an artist. Anyone can create. The title isn't necessary because anyone can be.
Why make art?
I don't know, why? I make art because its required in my classes. I make art because I've always had it in me. I make art to make money. I make it to express myself. Why NOT make art?
How do you asses art?
I hate assessing art. Why can't it just be? When the viewer makes an assumption, when they read a really deep and psychological story out of a painting, I feel as if the painting is almost ruined. I realized this while taking art history....UGH! I don't think there needs to be a reason for everything.

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